- #Jitsi org italiano update
- #Jitsi org italiano Patch
Mike Keesey - fixed issue in video stream switching functionality of Jitsi-meet used for desktop sharing.Matt Fredrickson - Fixed a bug with ICE role resolution in ice4j.Issac Gerges - Refactored the Jitsi Meet toolbar HTML code.Maksym Kulish - bug fix and improvements for dynamic config retrieval in Jitsi-Meet.Fixed a typo which prevented the etherpad button to be disabled via interfaceConfig. Mark Laporte - Provided various fixes to the Jitsi-Meet and Jigasi documentation.Improved the Jitsi Meet build so that it pulls all the remaining external dependencies from npm.
#Jitsi org italiano Patch
Devin Wilson - Provided a patch to separate the XMPP, UI and RTC modules in Jitsi-Meet. Gustav Spellauge - Provided a patch to Jitsi-Meet which automatically appends the domain name to the username if the username doesn’t contain a domain part.
Claas Beyersdorf - Fixed FORCE_PROXY_BYPASS when Jitsi is used in HA environments.
#Jitsi org italiano update
Paul Gregoire - Update of Turnserver against newer ice4j version fixed unit tests in ice4j added convenience methods in ice4j configuration option for the DTLS certificate signing algorithm. David Wang (Highfive) - Provided a patch for replacing deprecated MediaStream stop method in jitsi-meet. Jesse Bickel - Provided a patch to optionally disable third-party requests from jitsi-meet. Luke Evans - Made the RTP packet cache configurable. Contributed additions to the jitsi-videobridge documentation for lastN. Alexander Dumaine - Fixed a typo and indentation in jitsi-videobridge’s bundle documentation. Additional metrics for New Relic, documentation readability updates. David Ertel - Provided documentation for last-n and statistics for jitsi-videobridge. Viktor Horvath - Provided documentation for the Jidesha extension for Chrome ( ). David Lee - Contributed a patch to use exec in jitsi-videobridge’s startup scripts. Lance Stout - Fixed a NPE in jitsi-videobridge when FID groups are used, but SIM groups are not. Aaron van Meerten - Updated collect-dump-logs.sh to properly collected OOM dumps after crash, for both JVB and Jicofo. Fixed serveral bugs in jitsi-meet and lib-jitsi-meet and more Helped refactoring jitsi-meet to use lib-jitsi-meet. Contributed support for switching cameras/microphones. Ivan Symchych - Added human readable user ids for callstats. Provided a patch for jitsi-videobridge which allows the value of TIMEOUT_ON_FRAME_COUNT to be configurable. Csaba Varr� - Provided a patch for Jitsi Videobridge that adds the capability to read JVM options from an external rc file. Implemented caching of the DTLS certificate in libjitsi. Reworked the OpenSSL-based implementation of libjitsi’s SRTP layer, reducing the number of JNI calls thus improving performance. Etienne Champetier - Fixed missing “from” attributed in ping requests. Added a complete REST conference setup example to Jitsi Videobridge. Added end-to-end messages over SCTP in jitsi-videobridge. Brian Baldino (Highfive) - Added support for RTP header extensions in jitsi-videobridge’s REST interface. Aaron Ogle (Rocket.Chat) - In the iframe Jitsi Meet API, added the possibility to specify use of ssl. Updates in mobile app of jitsi-meet: fix that keeps device screen on, update default speaker device on iOS.
Sa�l Ibarra Corretg� - Clean up desktop sharing options in jitsi-meet and lib-jitsi-meet. Camilo Aparecido Ferri Moreira - Fixed NPE in Jicofo’s reservation system.
Provided fixes for “no video device” issue in lib-jitsi-meet. Werner Dittmann (Nokia Siemens Networks, Germany).Thomas Hofer (LIWEST Kabelmedien GmbH - Austria).Fo (BlueJimp - Bulgaria, Sofia University) Sebastien Vincent (Euro Information - France).Sebastien Mazy (University of Karlshruhe - Germany).Ivan Vergiliev (Sofia University - Bulgaria).Damien Roth (University of Strasbourg - France).Chris Vincenot (Kyoto University - Japan).Alan Kelly (George Mason University - USA).