A skit even lampshades this, with Chikn saying "This was the old me" and that all he wants to do now is fight. Despite this, he's been shown as willing to get violent when he needs to, such as putting Hawt Saus in a headlock for hurting Cheezborger's feelings, or getting into a physical clash with Chee over buying lunch. Informed Attribute: An early bio claimed that Chikn was "too baby to fight anyone".In his case, he's been seen out-scaring Iscream just by giving them a blank look. Horrifying the Horror: He, along with nearly half the cast at this point, have had moments like this with Iscream.Grave Robbing: This short shows Chikn raiding graveyards so he can steal bones.Female Feline, Male Mutt: Chikn is often seen together with Cheezborger, and is the male mutt to her female feline.

Beware the Nice Ones: Chikn is usually laid back and easygoing, but when Hawt Saus told a cruel joke that made Cheezborger cry, Chikn holds Hawt Saus in a brutal chokehold and demands he apologize immediately.He cares about his friendships so much that Chikn will go as far as attacking anyone who insults them even when it's an insult he himself would just shrug off. Iscream even crosses him off their list of people to hit up for blood for dark rituals after hearing this. Alien Blood: He claims to have barbecue sauce for blood, and given other odd details about his biology, it's not likely an exaggeration.While deciding to " change things up" in one short, he briefly transforms into a horrifying blob-like creature. Adorable Abomination: Chikn looks like a cute yellow "pubby", but is actually a god, though he's (mostly) unaware of his true nature.